Sunday, October 01, 2006

You know it's hunting season when.....

Paige: You think a camo shirt is bad for a church team? Try Oct 1st till like Feb.

Well, I started back to work. It's not too bad. I do miss my babies a lot though. :( But the great thing about my new position is the hours. I only have to work 45 hours, and I get to write my own schedule. So if I need a certain day off, I can take it. It's gonna be really nice.

Well, we have an update about our new house. It was ordered on friday the 6th and sometime this week the crew will come out to our lot and prep it for the trailer and then sometime after that it will be delivered. So we are looking at about 3 weeks and we will be in it. YAY!!

1 comment:

Paige said...

FINALLY! YAY!!! I bet your excited!! Can't wait to see the new digs!