Tuesday, May 01, 2007

So much for a vacation

My vacation started off promising, I got a little house work done, babysat my 3 week old nephew. But on Sunday I started feeling bad. Checked my temp and it was 100.2. My throat had been hurting the whole week before but I didn't think anything about it. Hadn't been around anyone that was sick. So I went to the Dr. on Monday and found out that I have strep throat. Last time I had strep was my sophomore year in Highschool. Never really thought that I would get it again. Thank goodness no one else has it. Nick's fine and Cadence is fine, I took Cole to the Dr. today cause I had to make sure his ear infections have healed up, but they haven't so he had to have a shot. :( And he still has some congestion in his chest so he got a new decongestant that hopefully will work better than his last one. Now we just got to get better so we can go visit Mimi and Pop and Auntie Paige and Uncle Todd this weekend in Dallas. For those of you that didn't remember Nick and I celebrated 3 years of Marriage yesterday, May 1. So YEAH for us!
Have a great week!