Friday, August 08, 2008

To the Dr. again

Two weeks ago I took Cole and Kayleigh to the Dr because they weren't feeling well. Cole had an ear infection in the left ear and fluid bubbles in the right ear and had to get antibiotics. Kayleigh just had a viral cough and the dr said it would get better in a few days. Well two weeks has gone by and neither has gotten better. The past two nights I have been up all night because of either one. Why is it that a child who is sick does not show it until the parent wants to sleep?? They are both fine during the day but once I lay down in the bed they start to hurt. Is there a magic button I don't know about? So I got both of them back into the dr's and turns out that Cole still has the ear infection, apparently he was immune to that type of antibiotic. Kayleigh now has a bad cough and infection in both ears. It makes it so difficult for her to nurse because she is in pain so she just screams and then sucks on her fingers till she falls back asleep. Hopefully the medicine that we got today will get rid of the infections and they'll be back to their normal sweet selves.

Cadence, however, is just fine. :) She's never had an ear infection and doesn't get sick that often. Maybe its because she has so much energy that she doesn't ever slow down enought to get sick. Who knows, but thank God for health insurance!

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