Today is Cole's 2nd Birthday!! Wow I can't believe that two years has gone by since he was born. Since Nick had to work today and tomorrow, we decided to do Bubby's birthday last night. Nick grilled pork chops, yellow squash, and zucchini, and I made funfetti cupcakes with chocolate icing and sprinkles. We sang happy birthday and he got to blow out the candle. Then him and Cadence had to take a bath cause they had chocolate icing all over, and then it was present time. He had to learn how to rip open presents again, but Cadence helped him out, a lot. He got a rug that has all the buildings from the movie cars with a road and all the characters. Some cars from the movie Cars and some miniature tonka trucks, and a Diego tub trike that floats and rides on top of water. He had a great time. 

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Happy Birthday, Cole!
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