Thursday night the North Bienville Volunteer Fire Dept. put on their annual fireworks show. Nick was working so I decided to take all three of them to town to watch it. We went to sonic and grabbed dinner and some ice cream and then went out to Bonnie and Clyde Trade Days to wait for the show to begin. We got there a little after 7pm but I didn't realize how late that it got dark. So we sat there till 9:04pm which was when they started the fireworks. Cadence loves fireworks and laughed when they made the loud popping and screaming. Cole, on the other hand, thought they were great for about 1 min and then started crying. Kayleigh actually did better than he did. After about twenty minutes of the firework show, Cadence got tired of hearing Cole and Kayleigh fussing and was ready to go home. Next year, I will only go to a fireworks show if Nick is with me.

I bought the kids outfits for the 4th so that I could get a picture of all three of them on Kayleigh first 4th of July. However, by the time I had the chance to get them all together Kayleigh was upset. I did get some great pictures of them in two's.
Nick cooked some barbeque grilled chicken and then we had some wonderful yellow watermelon (my new favorite). After dinner we did some fireworks. Nick had bought some bottle rockets, roman candles, and fountains. Kayleigh and Cole were both in my lap crying everytime a bottle rocket went off, so we had to keep those to a minimum. They like the fountains ( they didn't make any popping or screaming noises) and loved the roman candles. They all had a fun 4th.

Looks like fun! Kayleigh is getting big!! She looks more like a baby now instead of a newborn! She's beautiful!!!
We're sending you an Almanac for Christmas so you'll know when sunset is on the 4th next year:)
Mimi & Pop
that first pic of cadence, that is totally a you expression!!! love it!
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