Happy birthday to me sweet little girl. I can't believe that she is a year already. Time has flown by so fast. It seems like only yesterday we came home from the hospital. She has grown so much and has so many little facial expressions. She's not only walking, she's learned to run and chases Cadence and Cole around the house. She is such a happy baby and smiles at everyone. She also now has six teeth, two on bottom and four on top. The girl can eat too, anything you put in front of her will be gone in a matter of minutes. She loves to eat and would probably keep eating as long as you keep putting food in front of her. We are so blessed to have this wonderful girl in our lives and still can't believe she's been here a year.
Happy birthday, Kayleigh!!!
Happy birthday, Kayleigh! What a beautiful picture of a beautiful girl!
Mimi and Pop
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