On Sat night we all went down to Jonesboro and saw Christmas lights and Santa! 

When Santa asked Cadence what she wanted she said " I want a zhu-zhu pet and... the rest is on the list!" She made Santa laugh out loud and said "Well I guess I better read the list then."
Bubby couldn't think of anything on the spot that he wanted but five min after we left Santa he started spouting out things he wanted.
As like our other two when they were that age, Kayleigh was not to fond of Santa, but she did wave by to him with out screaming. After Santa we went on a horse and carriage ride around Jonesboro. They loved it, and thank goodness mommy thought ahead and brought two warm blankets for us to cover up with.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Florida Trip
A few weeks ago Kayleigh and I visited my sister in Florida. We had a blast. Zoie and Kayleigh had fun playing together. They got along great. I also got to spend time with my new neice Rylie, she's a sweetie and a really good baby. Here's a few pics from the week.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Picture Update!!
It has been crazy these past few weeks with Kayleigh's Birthday, Nick and My Anniversary (5 yrs), getting a new puppy, and Cadence's Preschool Graduation. So I will just include pictures and not a lot of talk.
She was not happy at all with her cake or turning 1!
Our new puppy Remi, he's a yorkie/dachsund mix.
Cadence at her last day of Preschool, she is cleared for kindergarten.
A wedding where Nick was a groomsman.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Kayleigh!

Happy birthday to me sweet little girl. I can't believe that she is a year already. Time has flown by so fast. It seems like only yesterday we came home from the hospital. She has grown so much and has so many little facial expressions. She's not only walking, she's learned to run and chases Cadence and Cole around the house. She is such a happy baby and smiles at everyone. She also now has six teeth, two on bottom and four on top. The girl can eat too, anything you put in front of her will be gone in a matter of minutes. She loves to eat and would probably keep eating as long as you keep putting food in front of her. We are so blessed to have this wonderful girl in our lives and still can't believe she's been here a year.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Easter Weekend Trip
For Easter we took a long road trip to visit family. The kids were so excited. First we drove into Dallas and saw Mimi and Pop. I had bought some easter chalk for the kids and since we don't have a concrete driveway we had to do it at their house. :) They had a blast, even Kayleigh got into the fun only she chalked herself and not the driveway. We played outside for a while; it was such a beautiful afternoon and then we came inside started dinner and while it was cooking went to the park. The next day we drove out to Lubbock, Tx to visit my grandparents, Neno & Geto. It's been almost two years since Cadence, Cole, and I have been out there. We had so much fun. I know that their neighbors said the hallway definately was not quiet that weekend with them running up and down and screaming. On Sunday, Cadence and Cole got to hunt easter eggs around the apartment and then we went to prairie dog town. It had rained a lot that weekend and was pretty cool so we weren't sure if we would see any activity, but thank goodness we did. They enjoyed seeing a few peek out of the holes and even a few more came out and looked around. There was even a little chipmunk scurrying around. We headed out fairly early Monday morning for our long trip back home and had a welcoming stop in Dallas for lunch at Braum's with Mimi, Pop, and Memo. Here are some photos from the weekend. The kids really enjoyed playing on the pianos at both places, even Kayliegh. 

Saturday, March 14, 2009
My New Van
So, this is my old van. The insurance company deemed it a total loss. It was a great van and very used. I will definately miss it. But on the other hand I love my new van. I drove a new toyota sienna as my rental for two weeks and really hated to give it up. So we bought one. It's not brand new, but it is definately new to me and I really love it. Sorry, Paige but I still haven't named her yet. Can't figure out what I should name her, any suggestions? :) The kids really like it even though there is no dvd player. 
School started last week and I'm really enjoying being back and having that freedom that comes with it. Not having to work all the time is the best feeling in the world. I spent so much time away from home and my kids for so long that this feels like a wonderful vacation, even the studying. I'm really looking forward to what my future has in store with more school and more time at home.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
A New Year, A New Start
Since the beginning of the year I have been praying for a change. Whether it be a change of attitude towards my job or even be my job. Well doors have been opened and I have taken them. I will no longer be employed at Walmart at the end of this month and will be going back to school full time to pursue a Nursing Career. I am extremely calm and confident that this is the right move for me. I have yet to know if I am accepted into the Nursing program but will find out in either June or July (can't come soon enough). However I can take my prerequisites the spring and summer quarter so that when I start Nursing classes in the fall it wil be only clinicals. The most exciting part of this change is that I will be at home more with my kids. No worrying about who will watch them when Nick and I both have to work, no missing weekends with them and I will be home during the holidays with them. Being home with them is the biggest blessing that I have been granted. I will also be able to spend more time with Nick, that is another blessing.
Kayleigh is getting bigger by the day. She is learning how to walk and can now take up to seven steps. She is very good at balancing herself but when she does fall she always falls on her bottom. I guess she knows where her padding is :). She can say mama dada baba, say and wave bye bye and knows how to pester her big brother and sister. She also is getting her third tooth on the top.
Cadence is doing great in school, learning so much. She can recognize letters and even her name. She's so smart. Cole is the smartest out of all the 2 yr olds in the daycare, at least that's what the teachers tell me, I already knew he was the smartest. He's talking so much better and making complete sentances and asking questions. The year is already going by so quickly. I can't even believe that in two months Kayleigh will be one year. WOW!
Kayleigh is getting bigger by the day. She is learning how to walk and can now take up to seven steps. She is very good at balancing herself but when she does fall she always falls on her bottom. I guess she knows where her padding is :). She can say mama dada baba, say and wave bye bye and knows how to pester her big brother and sister. She also is getting her third tooth on the top.
Cadence is doing great in school, learning so much. She can recognize letters and even her name. She's so smart. Cole is the smartest out of all the 2 yr olds in the daycare, at least that's what the teachers tell me, I already knew he was the smartest. He's talking so much better and making complete sentances and asking questions. The year is already going by so quickly. I can't even believe that in two months Kayleigh will be one year. WOW!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Christmas 2008
Bubby Showing off His presents
Cadence is very proud of her bean bag
All the presents are finally open, now it's time to take the toys out of the package (always more time consuming than it looks.)
Cole cheesin' for the camera with his toys
Pappy's House: Cadence's Miley Cyrus Wig(which everyone tried on, but I didn't get the camera out in time to catch them all)
Kayleigh and Aunt Faith
Cole's favorite present: Thomas the Train with tracks and extra cars and engines. He spends all day with these trains
Nick's present from Pappy(his dad), a 22 Ruger
We had a great Christmas with all of our family, and missed the part of our family that wasn't with us. We hope that this next year is filled with love, joy and multiple blessings for all. Happy New Year from The Bowman Family!!!
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