Kayleigh has two bottom teeth. And she will use them :) She is growing so fast. She's crawling and trying to pull up a little bit but hasn't quite figured it out. She weighs around 17 lbs and is just as cute as can be. She has started on solids, well puree'd really, but she loves it, except for the peas. She is also babbling and saying mamama. I'm excited cause Cadence and Cole started babbling with baba and dada. She is very active and has decided lately that she is a night owl and an early riser. Needless to say I don't get very much sleep.
This month has flown by so quickly. Cole had surgery on Nov. 4. He had tubes put in his ears, his adnoids taken out and his sinused flushed out. He is so much better now, a completely different child. He is more active and talks a whole lot more. He says he can hear better. The only problem is trying to keep his earplugs in during bath time.
Cadence is doing well in school and learning a lot. She's having a little problem with listening to the teachers and not wanting to take a nap during nap time but other than that she is doing great. She's been playing mommy with her dolls and loves to help me with Kayleigh. If I ask her anything to do with Kayleigh she is on it, and even can get Kayleigh to laugh when she upset. Her and Cole don't play as much together anymore because he's into his cars and would rather play alone. But he's great with Kayleigh too.
I'm very busy between the holidays at work, teaching sunday school and my small group on wednesdays. We had a fun halloween, took them all trick or treating where they filled their bags up with candy. Cadence was tinkerbell and Cole was a spider. 

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