Well, Kayleigh is 6 weeks old. She went to the dr. two weeks ago and weighed 11lbs 3oz and 22 inches long. I think she might have even gained another pound since then. She's becoming more alert and will even lay on her back in her baby gym for a few minutes. She's smiling :) And it's soooo cute. She'll even coo and make cute little gurgling noises when she happy. But the smiling is the best part. All you gotta do is just talk to her and she will smile at you. Picture of her smile to come soon when I can capture it on Camera.
Last weekend we went to Lake Texoma and spent some time with my family. My sister and her husband and daughter came in from Florida. My older brother and his wife and two boys were in the states from Thailand for a 2 month stay, and my younger brother flew in from Houston. It was a wonderful weekend for all of us. Especially the two oldest kids, Cadence and my nephew Aidan. They had a blast together, beating up on Stephen, racing on the deck, and blowing bubbles. It was great to see them getting along (for the most part) and playing together. I can't wait till all the others get old enought to actually play together, that will be so much fun. 

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