Kayleigh is 2 months old today! We had a doctor appt. today and she now weighs 12lbs 11oz and is 23 1/2 inches. It won't be long till she catches up with her cousin Zoie. She also got her first round of vaccines :( She let the nurse now just how appreciated she was. And unlike the other two kids who cried till I held them, she screamed for almost 10 min afterwards, then fell asleep till we got home and then cried for the rest of the afternoon. Took another nap and screamed some more till she got the hiccups and fell asleep. Right now, it's quiet, but there's no telling how long that will last.
Well, in about 2 1/2 weeks my maternity leave comes to an end and I will have to head back to work. Kinda sucks since I was hoping to be able to stay at home for good, but turns out health insurance is kinda important and a lot less expensive when my company pays for a good portion of it. So I must suck it up and go back but hopefully only for a little while and not permanent. However, I did put out some resumes in hopes of finding a normal desk job m-f 8-5 a little closer to home. God willing I can get a great paying normal desk job in ruston so I won't have to work the crazy walmart schedule.
So I finally caught Kayleigh smiling on camera. And she's just the cutest thing, and its so funny that when all my kids smile they all resemble each other. I don't believe I have seen any other kids who look so much alike, than mine.