Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Time Flies!

Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted last. Sorry it's been a while, I've been busy with getting the new house together and the kids and work. I will post pictures of the house soon, I just have to get them from the camera to my jump drive and the computer at the house runs so slow that it takes forever to even post one picture. So I have to update at the shop computer. So to update, Cole is now 7 months and weighs in at 19 1/2 pounds and is 26 1/2 inches long. He babbles a lot, rolls over all the time and is realizing that he wants to crawl, but his little buddah belly gets in the way and he ends up looking like a see-saw rocking back and forth. Cadence is 2 1/2 and has entered into the terrible two's. She's full of attitude and very strong willed. (my guess is she takes after her daddy)
Nick and I have decided to change our eating habits, not a diet, but just eat more healthy. So far I've lost 10lbs and he has lost 18. So we are doing pretty good. Nick's business has been doing fair, he's been getting enough sales to keep the business running. I've been doing some more regular cooking. I guess the new house just brings the domestic out in me. I keep it fairly clean, it's not spotless, but then again I wouldn't be myself if I kept if spotless. Nick's schedule changed at the fire station they now relieve at 6 in the evening, it's a change for me but I do most of the time have dinner ready when he gets home. I'm getting pretty good at making quick meals, I think the longest time it took me to make dinner was an hour, but I try to make meals that only take 30 min, cause when I'm working I don't get home till 6 and Cadence is usually ready to eat pretty soon after that and she will let me know it.
Our church has started this parenting class for the next 8 weeks. It's called Parenting is Heart Work. I've attended two classes so far and it's really neat. It talks about changing kids behavior by changing their heart. I've tried some of the things I've learned on Cadence but she's a little young to learn some of them, but I'll still keep working with her so that way when she is ready to learn it won't be such a change. Well, hopefully soon I will get some pictures of the kids and the new house up for all to view. I know you are anxiously awaiting them.
Have a great week.


Scott said...

Hi, I'm glad you're enjoying the Parenting is Heart Work Video Series. We have a new set of Family Time Activities books that helps parents teach spiritual truths in the language of children - activities! Could I send you some brochures to hand out to your group explaining these new resources? Just let me know your address and I'll drop them in the mail. My email address is below.


Dr. Scott Turansky - scott@biblicalparenting.org

Paige said...

YAY! You blogged!! I need to blog too!! Hopefully this week I will!

Congrats on losing 10lbs!! We'll both be slim girls again!