Monday, October 15, 2007
Long time no blog
Sorry for the spaciousness of my blog. I've been really busy lately with work and kids and everything else that just pops up. So for those that don't know it yet I'm pregnant again. I'm due April 29, 2008. So as of today I'm exactly 11 wks and 6 days. I won't find out what sex I'm having till sometime in Dec. If I decide to even find out. Morning sickness is still pretty bad, I have to take medicine just to be able to even eat anything. I keep hoping that one day I'll forget to take the medicine and I'll be fine, but so far I have to take it before 7am or I'm sick all day. Not very fun. Other than that I'm fine. Trying to recover from my kids this past week. I spent the first weekend of Oct. with my mom and my sister and no kids or husband. It was the most relaxing weekend I've had in a long time. It's hard to come home to two noisy very active children after that. But we had a great time in Dallas. We went shopping, had a pedicure and a manicure, I got my hair cut, and we just hung out and visited. It was great.
On Oct 10 both Cadence and Cole got their first haircut. It was fun. They both did really well at first but by the end they were both ready to get down and move around. Who knew my kids could be still for as long as they were? I have pictures but right now they are out in the car and it's raining cats and dogs and I just don't feel like getting wet. So I will have to post them at a later date.
Both kids are doing great. Cadence likes to pretend that she can get the baby out of my belly and hold it and rock it when she says it's crying. It's really cute. Cole still doesn't quite understand it yet but I'm sure he will pretty soon. I just hope he reacts as well as Cadence did when he was born.
Nick's doing really well. He's either up at his shop or at the fire station. His business stays pretty steady up there. We did have someone try to break in a couple of weeks ago. But because of the alarm they ran off. Not much damage was cause, they just cracked the window on his door and knocked over his flower pot on the sidewalk. The robbers were arrested later on that night after breaking into a few more businesses and a house.
Not much else is going on. We are just waiting on the news of my new nephew, hopefully it will be any day now.
On Oct 10 both Cadence and Cole got their first haircut. It was fun. They both did really well at first but by the end they were both ready to get down and move around. Who knew my kids could be still for as long as they were? I have pictures but right now they are out in the car and it's raining cats and dogs and I just don't feel like getting wet. So I will have to post them at a later date.
Both kids are doing great. Cadence likes to pretend that she can get the baby out of my belly and hold it and rock it when she says it's crying. It's really cute. Cole still doesn't quite understand it yet but I'm sure he will pretty soon. I just hope he reacts as well as Cadence did when he was born.
Nick's doing really well. He's either up at his shop or at the fire station. His business stays pretty steady up there. We did have someone try to break in a couple of weeks ago. But because of the alarm they ran off. Not much damage was cause, they just cracked the window on his door and knocked over his flower pot on the sidewalk. The robbers were arrested later on that night after breaking into a few more businesses and a house.
Not much else is going on. We are just waiting on the news of my new nephew, hopefully it will be any day now.
Friday, July 20, 2007
First Birthday!!
Well, on July 11th Cole turned 1!!! Wow, time flies so fast now. He is so big, and has 10 teeth now that he loves to use and it hurts. He also decided that it was time for him to start walking. So on Tuesday, Alicia, the babysitter, worked with him and he was able to take 1-2 steps at a time. Then we got home and Nick got him to take 8 steps. It was so exciting!!! It's so funny too, cause he just wants to take off running and he ends up taking a nose dive to the carpet. He's been using a walker and he will push forward and run on his tiptoes, but he's starting to realize that he can't do that without the walker. But everytime he falls he giggles and tries to do it again. We haven't had a birthday party yet, we are waiting to do a joint one for Cadence and Cole. The date is set for August 11th. It should be a fun and tiring day.
So, Alicia had a 30 gallon fish tank that her and her husband were growing tired of and wanted to get rid of it. I was more than happy to inherit it, since we don't have any pets yet and Cadence loved the fish tank. Today I got it set up, and it is getting ready for some fish. Tomorrow, Cadence and I are going to take a trip to Petsmart or Petco whichever one I see first and I'm going to let her pick out the fish that she wants. She's very excited and told Pop that she wanted a Blue fish, then later that night told me she wanted a green one, and a pink one. I'm not sure where to find a green or pink one since we don't have a Dr. Seuss fish store any where around here (haha). But I think she'll pick out some good ones.
Have a great weekend!
So, Alicia had a 30 gallon fish tank that her and her husband were growing tired of and wanted to get rid of it. I was more than happy to inherit it, since we don't have any pets yet and Cadence loved the fish tank. Today I got it set up, and it is getting ready for some fish. Tomorrow, Cadence and I are going to take a trip to Petsmart or Petco whichever one I see first and I'm going to let her pick out the fish that she wants. She's very excited and told Pop that she wanted a Blue fish, then later that night told me she wanted a green one, and a pink one. I'm not sure where to find a green or pink one since we don't have a Dr. Seuss fish store any where around here (haha). But I think she'll pick out some good ones.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, June 08, 2007
What's New??
Thank Heaven for disasasters that become blessings! On May 9th Cadence got dismissed from daycare for "biting", I think there was an underlying motive that just hasn't been uncovered yet. So I had to quickly find some other form of childcare for both of them cause I just couldn't see leaving Cole in that same place without his big sis. So, a lady that worked for the same place that had quit because she did not like the way it had run decided to keep kids at her house. Well, she is great! The kids love her and have a blast there. And what's funny is that there is no biting whatsoever. Funny huh? Anyways within about 2 weeks of being at the new babysitter Cadence is basically potty trained. YEAH! It's so wonderful. Now we just have to work on the night time, but I'm sure that will take a while.
Cole is getting bigger and fatter and cuter than ever. He's still the sweetest baby ever. He has now advanced from just a slow crawl to speed crawling. I can set him down and within seconds he is at the other end of the house. And quiet too, I have to search for him sometimes. He is starting to try talking. I think he has figured out mama, dada and baba. The other day it sounded like he had said Bye but I'm not sure. He is learning how to wave bye-bye and hi. He also has mastered the pulling up stage and can stand with one hand holding him up. He is startind to try to cruise on the furniture but hasn't figured out that he has to put his feet flat.
Cadence is learning to sing songs, and also has a great imagination. A couple weeks ago we were sitting at the dinner table eating fried perch that Nick caught and we were asking her animal sounds. I asked her what a crocidile said and I put my hands together like it was chomping. She mimic the movements and said "Snap, I eat fishies!" Nick and I laughed and then I asked her what a fish said. But she didn't respond with her normal response she said " Don't eat me!" Then we asked her what she was eating and she got this evil little grin on her face and replied "Fish!"
Two days later I was at work and got a phone call from Nick telling me that we had a pink alligator in the house. Completely confused I asked " A WHAT?" He said that Cadence came running into the living room crying. Nick jokingly asked her if an alligator bit her and she said "Yeah, alligator bit me on my butt" He asked her what color was the alligator and she said pink. He asked her where it was and she told him it lived in mommy and daddy's closet. (Which is really funny cause for the past week before this she would not step foot into our closet because it's scary) So, now wherever we go and a bug bites her or just whenever she feels like it she'll start fake crying and tell us the alligator bit her because he follows her everywhere.
Nick is still out on medical leave with his back. He has a herniated L5 disc in his back. He had been going to the chiropractor for a month with not much progress and is now seeing an otrhapedic specialist. He had an MRI done on monday and is going back this upcoming monday to actually see the dr and have him read the MRI to see what is wrong and what the next step will be to get it better. We are praying that he will not have to go through any kind of surgery. I will try to keep ya updated on the progress of his back. But he has been able to build up some more customers for his business since he has been able to be at the shop everyday.
My work is been pretty busy lately with summer here and it just being really really busy at wally world. I stay on the go. I'm still looking for any other career moves that are in the area because I really would like to go back to working in ruston so I can put the kids back in to the old daycare that Cadence was in. They have a great preschool program and I would really rather her go to school over there. Nothing else exciting here in the great big city of Arcadia. Hope y'all have a great weekend.
Cole is getting bigger and fatter and cuter than ever. He's still the sweetest baby ever. He has now advanced from just a slow crawl to speed crawling. I can set him down and within seconds he is at the other end of the house. And quiet too, I have to search for him sometimes. He is starting to try talking. I think he has figured out mama, dada and baba. The other day it sounded like he had said Bye but I'm not sure. He is learning how to wave bye-bye and hi. He also has mastered the pulling up stage and can stand with one hand holding him up. He is startind to try to cruise on the furniture but hasn't figured out that he has to put his feet flat.
Cadence is learning to sing songs, and also has a great imagination. A couple weeks ago we were sitting at the dinner table eating fried perch that Nick caught and we were asking her animal sounds. I asked her what a crocidile said and I put my hands together like it was chomping. She mimic the movements and said "Snap, I eat fishies!" Nick and I laughed and then I asked her what a fish said. But she didn't respond with her normal response she said " Don't eat me!" Then we asked her what she was eating and she got this evil little grin on her face and replied "Fish!"
Two days later I was at work and got a phone call from Nick telling me that we had a pink alligator in the house. Completely confused I asked " A WHAT?" He said that Cadence came running into the living room crying. Nick jokingly asked her if an alligator bit her and she said "Yeah, alligator bit me on my butt" He asked her what color was the alligator and she said pink. He asked her where it was and she told him it lived in mommy and daddy's closet. (Which is really funny cause for the past week before this she would not step foot into our closet because it's scary) So, now wherever we go and a bug bites her or just whenever she feels like it she'll start fake crying and tell us the alligator bit her because he follows her everywhere.
Nick is still out on medical leave with his back. He has a herniated L5 disc in his back. He had been going to the chiropractor for a month with not much progress and is now seeing an otrhapedic specialist. He had an MRI done on monday and is going back this upcoming monday to actually see the dr and have him read the MRI to see what is wrong and what the next step will be to get it better. We are praying that he will not have to go through any kind of surgery. I will try to keep ya updated on the progress of his back. But he has been able to build up some more customers for his business since he has been able to be at the shop everyday.
My work is been pretty busy lately with summer here and it just being really really busy at wally world. I stay on the go. I'm still looking for any other career moves that are in the area because I really would like to go back to working in ruston so I can put the kids back in to the old daycare that Cadence was in. They have a great preschool program and I would really rather her go to school over there. Nothing else exciting here in the great big city of Arcadia. Hope y'all have a great weekend.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
So much for a vacation
My vacation started off promising, I got a little house work done, babysat my 3 week old nephew. But on Sunday I started feeling bad. Checked my temp and it was 100.2. My throat had been hurting the whole week before but I didn't think anything about it. Hadn't been around anyone that was sick. So I went to the Dr. on Monday and found out that I have strep throat. Last time I had strep was my sophomore year in Highschool. Never really thought that I would get it again. Thank goodness no one else has it. Nick's fine and Cadence is fine, I took Cole to the Dr. today cause I had to make sure his ear infections have healed up, but they haven't so he had to have a shot. :( And he still has some congestion in his chest so he got a new decongestant that hopefully will work better than his last one. Now we just got to get better so we can go visit Mimi and Pop and Auntie Paige and Uncle Todd this weekend in Dallas. For those of you that didn't remember Nick and I celebrated 3 years of Marriage yesterday, May 1. So YEAH for us!
Have a great week!
Have a great week!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Easter Time

What you have all been waiting for!!

PICs of the new house. I know some of y'all have seen the actuall house. But for the underprivelaged I finally have a few pictures to show you. It's really hard to find a time when the whole house is clean so I've only got a few of the rooms, I will post more later. But the pics I have now will give you a good idea of what it looks like.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Time Flies!
Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted last. Sorry it's been a while, I've been busy with getting the new house together and the kids and work. I will post pictures of the house soon, I just have to get them from the camera to my jump drive and the computer at the house runs so slow that it takes forever to even post one picture. So I have to update at the shop computer. So to update, Cole is now 7 months and weighs in at 19 1/2 pounds and is 26 1/2 inches long. He babbles a lot, rolls over all the time and is realizing that he wants to crawl, but his little buddah belly gets in the way and he ends up looking like a see-saw rocking back and forth. Cadence is 2 1/2 and has entered into the terrible two's. She's full of attitude and very strong willed. (my guess is she takes after her daddy)
Nick and I have decided to change our eating habits, not a diet, but just eat more healthy. So far I've lost 10lbs and he has lost 18. So we are doing pretty good. Nick's business has been doing fair, he's been getting enough sales to keep the business running. I've been doing some more regular cooking. I guess the new house just brings the domestic out in me. I keep it fairly clean, it's not spotless, but then again I wouldn't be myself if I kept if spotless. Nick's schedule changed at the fire station they now relieve at 6 in the evening, it's a change for me but I do most of the time have dinner ready when he gets home. I'm getting pretty good at making quick meals, I think the longest time it took me to make dinner was an hour, but I try to make meals that only take 30 min, cause when I'm working I don't get home till 6 and Cadence is usually ready to eat pretty soon after that and she will let me know it.
Our church has started this parenting class for the next 8 weeks. It's called Parenting is Heart Work. I've attended two classes so far and it's really neat. It talks about changing kids behavior by changing their heart. I've tried some of the things I've learned on Cadence but she's a little young to learn some of them, but I'll still keep working with her so that way when she is ready to learn it won't be such a change. Well, hopefully soon I will get some pictures of the kids and the new house up for all to view. I know you are anxiously awaiting them.
Have a great week.
Nick and I have decided to change our eating habits, not a diet, but just eat more healthy. So far I've lost 10lbs and he has lost 18. So we are doing pretty good. Nick's business has been doing fair, he's been getting enough sales to keep the business running. I've been doing some more regular cooking. I guess the new house just brings the domestic out in me. I keep it fairly clean, it's not spotless, but then again I wouldn't be myself if I kept if spotless. Nick's schedule changed at the fire station they now relieve at 6 in the evening, it's a change for me but I do most of the time have dinner ready when he gets home. I'm getting pretty good at making quick meals, I think the longest time it took me to make dinner was an hour, but I try to make meals that only take 30 min, cause when I'm working I don't get home till 6 and Cadence is usually ready to eat pretty soon after that and she will let me know it.
Our church has started this parenting class for the next 8 weeks. It's called Parenting is Heart Work. I've attended two classes so far and it's really neat. It talks about changing kids behavior by changing their heart. I've tried some of the things I've learned on Cadence but she's a little young to learn some of them, but I'll still keep working with her so that way when she is ready to learn it won't be such a change. Well, hopefully soon I will get some pictures of the kids and the new house up for all to view. I know you are anxiously awaiting them.
Have a great week.
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