Weighing in at 12lbs 12oz and 23 1/2 inches at the Doctors today, he is healthy and a little upset that he had to get 3 shots. Poor thing, he's been

sleeping it off all day long, of course the infants tylenol has a little effect on the sleeping. He did get diagnosed with a little acid reflux and he got some medication that should take care of all the spitting up in a couple days. She also noticed his tongue, which I had noticed when I was still nursing him. The skin that attaches to the bottom tongue is normally at the middle towards the back of the tongue. His is right at the tip which is why he can't stick his tongue out of his mouth and he also had problems latching on which made it very difficult for me to breastfeed. The doctor said not to worry about it now since he can eat well but if it affects his speech as he gets older it will have to be clipped :( Hopefully it won't come to that, I'm sure it's a painfull process.
Well, Labor day weekend the kids and I tagged along with Mimi and Pop for a lovely road trip to Lubbock. I had a blast and so did Cadence. However, I'm pretty sure that I wore both the grandparents and great-grandparents out and as they loved our visit they are probably glad we are gone. I really appreciate Pop, he really helped me out with Cadence I could

have never done it without him. Here are some pics from last weekend.
aah....Wish I could've been there!
Looks like fun! Cadence and Cole are getting so big. And WOW--does Cole look like his daddy or what? :)
about the tongue-- both judah and killian were "tongue-tied" and we've had both of their tongues clipped. if it causes problems for your nursing, clipping it will help take care of it, and the earlier it's done, the easier it is - the muscle has had less time to develop.
we totally recommend it, and we're not big on recommending unnecessary things, btw!
when they're small, it's a really simple process, it only bleeds a drop and they will never remember it.
i was having so much pain nursing killian, and since his clipping, no problems at all. let me know if you want to know more.
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