Monday, September 25, 2006
Baby Milestones
Well, as most of you know Cole has been cooing. And it's so cute. But yesterday Nick actually got him to laugh. I figured it was a little too early since Cadence didn't acutually laugh till after she was three months. But all babies are different. Nick got him to laugh about 4 times and it was so adorable I wish I had gotten it on video. Well, I have exactly one week till I go back to work and I kinda have mixed feelings. On one hand, I'm going to miss being home with both of them and seeing Cole grow. On the other hand I'm kinda going crazy being in such a small place all the time with really nowhere to go except running errands to wal mart and no time just to myself. At least work will be my time, but it's a new position and everybody else who's in that position has been at it for 3 months and I'm gonna hafta catch up. Well, that's about all the excitement going on at the bowman household. Have a great week!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Back to the doctor
Yesterday we had to take both Cadence and Cole to the doctor. Cole got a cold and the medicine that he got last week wasn't working. We found out he has a sinus infection so he was prescribed an antibiotic and an alergy medicine. Hopefully he doen't turn out like me and get a sinus infection every time the seasons change. He does seem like he's getting better since he got the new meds. As for Cadence, she has had this rash that I figured was from her pullups, but as it turns out she has impetigo. Which I had no clue is a bacterial infection and only antibiotics can cure that. Fun day yesterday. Thank goodness for insurance, I'm so glad that they put prescription coverage on my insurance last year. In the two weeks that Cole hasnt' been to the doctor he gained 1/2 pound. That boy sure knows how to eat. Well, have a great weekend.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
What a Whopper!
Weighing in at 12lbs 12oz and 23 1/2 inches at the Doctors today, he is healthy and a little upset that he had to get 3 shots. Poor thing, he's been
sleeping it off all day long, of course the infants tylenol has a little effect on the sleeping. He did get diagnosed with a little acid reflux and he got some medication that should take care of all the spitting up in a couple days. She also noticed his tongue, which I had noticed when I was still nursing him. The skin that attaches to the bottom tongue is normally at the middle towards the back of the tongue. His is right at the tip which is why he can't stick his tongue out of his mouth and he also had problems latching on which made it very difficult for me to breastfeed. The doctor said not to worry about it now since he can eat well but if it affects his speech as he gets older it will have to be clipped :( Hopefully it won't come to that, I'm sure it's a painfull process.
Well, Labor day weekend the kids and I tagged along with Mimi and Pop for a lovely road trip to Lubbock. I had a blast and so did Cadence. However, I'm pretty sure that I wore both the grandparents and great-grandparents out and as they loved our visit they are probably glad we are gone. I really appreciate Pop, he really helped me out with Cadence I could
have never done it without him. Here are some pics from last weekend.

Well, Labor day weekend the kids and I tagged along with Mimi and Pop for a lovely road trip to Lubbock. I had a blast and so did Cadence. However, I'm pretty sure that I wore both the grandparents and great-grandparents out and as they loved our visit they are probably glad we are gone. I really appreciate Pop, he really helped me out with Cadence I could

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Cadence's Birthday
Well, we didn't have a birthday party but she did have a cake. And she also got some great presents. From her Pappy she got a great little red wagon and then from us she got a tricycle. From Auntie Paige she got some great necklaces and bracelets that she loves. And some cute clothes from Mimi and Pop. Here are some pictures from that day.

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