Ok, So I finally decided to do what everyone else does and blog. Since I have the next 11 weeks to be at home with my 2 kids I'll need something to do when they are napping or in bed.
We made it home from the hospital finally on Thurs night. They let us leave about 9:30pm. Cole is doing wonderful, he's a strong, healthy baby boy. No jaundice thank goodness, no glowworm again. His coloring however is very red. Nick is 1/16 indian and it came out in him. When he gets mad his skin doesn't get any redder, it can't. But he has the sweetest cry, when he does cry, which isn't often at all. He has a big appetite also his feedings usually last about 30-40 min. Longer sometimes when he takes naps during them. He is sleeping a lot, but still manages to keep us up most of the night. Cadence is a loving big sister, always wanting to hold him when he starts to cry. She'll raise her hands and say 'mere, 'mere. She constantly wants to be around him and giving him kisses. However, she shows small signs of jealousy, she's started sucking on his passy and she'll sit in his swing when he's not in it. I try to get her involved in the diaper changes, I've let her wipe his bottom and she'll even throw the diaper in the trash. She loves it. It's so neat seeing how he reacts to the world and remembering when Cadence was that little and how she reacted. He is so much more laid back and content which I thought would have been impossible cause of how laid back and content Cadence was at that age. She also has much more of a temper than he does. I think he takes after me! Well it's bedtime for mommy, I'll post more later with more pictures.
aaahhhh!!! He's sooo cute!!!! Can't wait to see him in person!
he's perfect!! Glad to see you in the blogging world!!!
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