Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Busy Bees

Wow, I didn't even realize how long it had been since I last blogged. A lot has been going on here from working, school, church, and dr appts. Since my last blog the ear infections that Cole and Kayleigh had went away and then the second round of ear infections came two weeks after that. We pretty much have the ear infections gone now but both still have fluid on the ears so we had to go see the Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor on Monday Oct. 13. Basically they both need tubes (not fun), but thank the Lord it hasn't affected their hearing one bit. Cole is going to have tubes put in and his adnoids taken out on Nov. 4. So please pray for him and the rest of the family, as I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that he's going into surgery albeit minor but still surgery. Kayleigh, being only 5 1/2 months old, was recommended to get tubes but Nick and I feel that it would be best to wait till her ears get more mature and we are praying that she would grow out of the ear infections and we won't have to resort to tubes. Also, I don't think I would have been able to handle both of them getting tubes on the same day, too much chaos for me to handle physically and emotionally.

Nick and I have joined a small group at church on wednesday nights. It is a wonderful group with couple our age that have kids around our kids age. And the church does childcare which they love. Cadence is old enough for M&M's which I think is Music and Ministry and they feed her dinner and play. In our small group we have started a study of the book The Five Love Languages. It's really great so far and we are all learning a lot about our spouse and each other. I'm really excited about continuing the book in the next few weeks and hearing others perspectives.

The month of Oct. is a break for me from my sunday school class. Last month was very challenging for me learning how to deal with 1st and 2nd graders, plus getting all 3 of my kids up and ready for church at 9 instead of 10:45. I really loved my time in the class but I'm also enjoying going to just the service this month.

Work is keeping both Nick and I very busy. It's becoming the holiday season for me so I'm always on my toes and beginning to have to work some hectic hours. Nick is working his normal shift at the fire station along with 24 to 36 hrs extra with his part time job for Pafford Ambulance Service.

Cadence is really enjoying school, she likes to go but hates to get up in the morning. It takes me about 10-15 minutes to rouse her out of bed. She's learning a lot. This week and last week they've been learning about farms and farm animals and they get to ride on a tractor. On friday they get to dress up as scarecrows and the school has ordered them straw hats for them to wear. On halloween the whole class with dress up as scarecrows again and walk in the Minden parade. I will definately have pictures.