alright, so we have an update on the house situation. Yesterday we got a call from the law firm that is checking the title which was the last thing before ordering. And they said there was a tax lien on Nick's dad, so we got that paid today and then went over to Tilleys (which is where we are getting our home from) and made sure all the colors were right and everything was where we wanted and all the extras were correct. So, once the mortgage company faxes them the clear title then he orders our house. Should be no later than Tues and then a week and a half ( which is how long it will take to manufacture the house) we should have the house on the land and then 3-4 days it should be completely set up. YAY finally a time line I can handle and it's realistic! Hey Paige-soon I'll be living the American dream, can I borrow your cat for the 1/2? I'll let you borrow Cadence and Cole for the 2 for a little while ;) Stay tuned for the blog about Cadence's birthday tomorrow, coming soon!